Heidi Larson, Vaccine Anthropologist

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is a biographical writeup of Heidi Larson, an American anthropologist and the founding director of the Vaccine Confidence Project.

Immunization [edit]

willingnesstobeimmunized . During the course of 2020, Larson’s team surveyed [TxA] thirteen thousand four hundred and twenty-six people in thirty-two countries about their governments’ handling of the pandemic and the upcoming covid vaccines. They found that trust in government was the strongest predictor of willingness to be immunized. [IxB,Fx4]

Reference [edit]

Ofri, Danielle. n.d. “Heidi Larson, Vaccine Anthropologist.” The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/science/annals-of-medicine/heidi-larson-vaccine-anthropologist .

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