Source and Use of Firearms Involved in Crimes: Survey of Prison Inmates, 2016

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Data on the source of used firearms in crimes based upon a survey of prison inmates collected and published by the bureau of justice statistics.

Main findings [edit]

*About 21% of state and 20% of federal prisoners said they possessed a gun during their offense, while 79% of state and 80% of federal prisoners did not.

*About 29% of state and 36% of federal prisoners serving time for a violent offense possessed a gun during the offense.

*About 1.3% of prisoners obtained a gun from a retail source and used it during their offense.

*Handguns were the most common type of firearm possessed by state and federal prisoners (18% each); 11% of all prisoners used a handgun.

*Among prisoners who possessed a gun during their offense, 90% did not obtain it from a retail source.

Reference [edit]

“Source and Use of Firearms Involved in Crimes: Survey of Prison Inmates, 2016.” n.d. .

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